Traveling Songs is a transmedia work about migration and travel that reflects the modern minstrel nature of VisionIntoArt. Traveling Songs is a rich patchwork of emotions and experiences from our community and far away lands expressed through new virtual environments and sounds.
1) Kulan (Rieppi)
2) Segne (Bellow)
3) Inngerutit (Prestini)
4) Senzenina (Prestini)
5) Black and White (Prestini)
6) dog:God (Cafe Tacuba)
7) Womenade (Paranosic)
8) Face (Paranosic)
9) River (Paranosic)
10) OCV/TP (Puente)
Traveling Songs is a transmedia work about migration and travel that reflects the modern minstrel nature of VisionIntoArt. Traveling Songs is a rich patchwork of emotions and experiences from our community and far away lands expressed through new virtual environments and sounds.