Valeria Eufemia
July 25, 2018

Ascoli, Buttafuoco e Paola Prestini chiudono la Milanesiana

Valeria Eufemia
July 25, 2018

Ascoli, Buttafuoco e Paola Prestini chiudono la Milanesiana

Valeria Eufemia
July 25, 2018

Ascoli, Buttafuoco e Paola Prestini chiudono la Milanesiana

- The Milanesiana adventure in Ascoli, a cultural and interdisciplinary festival conceived and directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi, will end tonight. At 11.30 today the exhibition 'Le Storie Natuali' by Luigi Serafini was inaugurated at Forte Malatesta, which was attended, in addition to the artist, by Vittorio Sgarbi and Stefano Papetti. The curtain will open tonight on Pietrangelo Buttafuoco's show, 'Sicily killed you at the hands of Italy. 50 years after the Belice earthquake. Epic, destiny and life of Ludovico Corrao the rebuilder ', which will be staged at 9 pm in the splendid setting of the Philharmonic theater.

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